Greenwich Gyrations

I was in Greenwich yesterday, visiting the University, and the following caught my eye:

I quite liked the look of these houses, taking up a smallish infill site:

Greenwich Houses Front

I think they are an examples of quiet and dignified design; good quality ‘ordinary’ which is something we need more of. However I have no idea what they look and work like inside.

This is what they look like from the rear – quality of the ‘photo is not great as it was getting dark:

Greenwich Houses Rear

There are lots of new developments in the area which looks like continuing its upward rise. Even the anti-dog-poo signs use pedigree dogs:

Greenwich Dog

On the way back home I spotted this re-furbished pub – generally I don’t like modern pub refurbs, which tend to rip out any character they had, including the etched glass windows which would be unaffordable to do today, but I liked the pub’s name wrapped around it at ground floor level:

Greenwich Pub

Again, I have no idea what it is like inside, if it has proper beer and if it is affordable rather than an eye-watering £4.50 a pint. Perhaps next time when I am not in a hurry.

About stevenboxall

Likes to do everything but that's not possible; so facilitates others so I can be involved in everything
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